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Monday, August 22, 2011

Love breaks out in Europe!

All along the infamous Western Front, the bodies are piling up like cordwood once again. From the Belgium border to the vineyards of Southern France, it's young Germans and youthful French rushing headlong into each other in scenes reminiscent of the numbers involved in the infamous battlefields of the Somme or at Ypres. The cross border taunting, which until now had consisted mainly of bountiful wet tee-shirts and tight Speedos on the women and men respectivelyb, has given way to full blown hugging and rapturous kissing, with tangles of bodies twisting and writhing like some mutant creature as the participants attempt to buss and touch one another in ever increasing numbers.
Reached by telephone, our correspondant Lisa Listoil had this to say...

"Lisa, can you describe the scene over there this morning, and are you safe?"
"I'm fine Frank, and I have to tell you the situation is confused and extremely fluid. There are piles of discarded clothing everywhere and groups of triumphant lovers are roaming in large bands about the city's downtown, stopping now and then for what appears to be a quick hump, some of the more adventurous still coupling as they march with their arms defiantly in the air. It's been like this for hours, and there is no sign of it letting up!"
"Have you managed to keep your clothing on, Lisa?"
"In the main Frank. Lovers on both sides seem to be letting the foreign press alone hoping for this incredible development to be broadcast to the world. I can't go into too much detail, but I can tell you that I am running low on lipstick."
"Lisa...the whole gang here back in the newsroom is filled with admiration for your bravery in the face of all this. Do you know what set all this off?
"It started innocently enough Frank. German girls were lifting their shirts and exposing their breasts to male students on a day trip from Paris to the border, and somehow it got out of hand."
"Do you have sense of what escalated the familiarity? We have heard reports that it was the French boys with their Speedos. Why would they be wearing such provocative underwear in the first place? It almost seems organized."
"In fact the Speedos were required for the French boys Frank, and I have seen documents first hand which will attest to this. It was clearly stated that each boy must have a Speedo as well as a sleeping bag, toothpaste and condoms."
"Condoms, Lisa! That seems highly provocative...does it speak volumes as to their intent?"
"Be that as it may, Frank. It was the German girls who rushed across the border flinging their tee shirts in the air shouting "I love your Speedos!"
"What was the French reaction?"
"I have been told it was pretty muffled. Most of the boys had never seen German breasts and immediately buried their faces in them, so it was hard to decipher their exact responses. The Speedos really told the tale tho, Frank. The German girls certainly had their hands full dealing with them."
"We seem to be losing you Lisa, are you alright? You seem to be breaking up."
"Not to worry, I'm fine. I'm ticklish and well, you know those Frenchmen. Can I get back to you in a half hour or so?"
"Absolutely Lisa. You do whatever you have to and we'll check back in at the bottom of the hour."
"Right Frank...Can you get some lipstick out here on a chopper? Ooooooh! Merde!"


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