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Location: Dryden, Ontario, Canada

Monday, May 21, 2012

Victoria Day in Dryden.

We just finished our annual tribute parade to Queen Victoria. Starting from the heart of the financial sector, (the paper mill parking lot) we sat many cushions high in a double wide four seater baby carriage which was pulled by a team of four reluctant goats. We traditionally commence by making our parade route thru the 'closed for the holiday' downtown business section. We thought this closure would help deter any traffic snarls and help to prevent any parade watchers from being pushed to the street by surging onlookers lined along the way. Despite dwindling attendance, the several people we waved to seemed amused. We havae always felt that the less fortunate sections of the city also deserve to share in the joy and excitement of a regal procession passing by their homes, so we make a point to help the royal goats (temp) navigate the carriage over the railway tracks and into the heart of the North Side. It is usually very tough getting all four goats back out of the North Side safely. Again this year we are saddened to report that two of them were poached by some young ruffians disguised as starving single mothers and it would appear they have pulled us in their last parade.
We are uncertain as to why this rolling pageant honouring the greater glory of the British Empire does not seem to resonate with the locals. Beyond the one year in which we encouraged all to join the Queens' Parade and were followed by a troupe of young men dressed as Vegas showgirls, inevitably we are the sole feature. (Admittedly viewing attendance was up considerably from most years when the showgirls joined in.) But for Queen and Country and Commonwealth, we shall resolutely dust off the baby carriage, rent some fresh goats, and continue this tradition again next year. Long live the Queen.


Blogger Steve Bell said...


May 21, 2012 at 7:56 AM  

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