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Location: Dryden, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Out like a lion

It's snowing right now-great horking white art works in an unusual hurry to reach their doom on the wet ground. I swear I can hear the flakes sizzle when they hit the puddles.
It has been unreasonably mild here lately, most of the ground cover snow is gone, and shorts have even been spotted on the locals. Without a doubt, this part of the globe is warming. I may cancel my five year long campaign to empty a dozen aerosols into the air every Friday. Yes, this feels about right. Now-what do I do with 1300 empty cans?
I woke up after a mere two hour sleep-just as I landed a solid left hook to my clock radio. The thing tumbled down from my nightstand (a Wally World shoe rack...four shelves) onto the bed, glanced off my skull and fell into the crack between the bed and the wall. It's still there. Don't ask. I have to admit it was one hell of a punch. Also...any ideas regarding the removal of a cat from a ceiling? (I definitely should have trimmed her claws.) Well, at least the rifle misfired. (In my dream.)
Brackets usually serve me as either an explanation or an apology. (Sorry...thought I should clear that up)
It occurs that I have not blogged for quite some time. To all my grateful subscribers I offer a hearty 'you're welcome!' I think it's good sometimes to take a break and see other long as things don't get serious. The last thing I want to hear again is that most horrible of all conversations. "I'm sorry Byron. It's not's you!"
For the last few mornings there has been a murder of crows hanging about in the trees across the lane...their caucous rowing a small nuisance in a world where some city worker fires up a chipping machine by 8:00 am around to the front of the building.
I just heard a 'thud' from the bedroom. Kitty must have let go. Oh well, she has a benign nature I can easily sooth even further with a special kitty breakfast. Maybe tuna juice as an appetizer....I think albacore might be called for...then maybe a fish stick and some chocolate cake. Oops, I'm out of Ketchup...better nix the chocolate cake. She is a connisseur of dangerous foods. Her one quirk seems to be that she will only eat dry cat food if I paste a dog's picture on the box. She obviously has some issues. Pre-owned pet purchasing is always a risk.

Good heavens! I just had a violent sneezing fit where every outburst was accompanied by a drum roll fart! What does it mean? Is my body abandoning ship?
Sigh...just when you think you are in touch with something, eh?

I have a big day planned. Going to lift the lid on the piano and see if the sunlight glinting off the keys later doesn't remind that it's there. My 'to do list' has a note to 'write the greatest song ever'...Un hunh.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to explain to somebody why you are a Leaf fan? Last night they were officially eliminated from playoffs for the seventh straight season. No one wants to hear me lament the fact tho...even my shrink just has me stand in the doorway these last few years. Hee...that's funny!
I better try getting some more's almost time to get up.


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